Company app2U
In app2U, we are the only experts in advising, developing and implementing the best apps for companies. Our mission is to increase the benefit of our customers through business software. “We know companies can work better.”

Be one of our partners
If you are in a company, association, organization, college or you know companies that urgently need to improve their way of working, means you are the ideal candidate to be one of our partners. Do you want to be part of app2U partners?
We belong to
We are experts in mobility and an important benchmark in the field of business apps. So we belong to other important organizations, associations and clusters related to apps, mobility and digital transformation.
Catalunya Apps, Yeeply, Appfutura, Busco el mejor, Barcelona Startup Map, Mobile World Congress, Woman in Mobile, etc.

We have been subsidized by the European Social Fund
app2U has benefited in 2021 from the subsidy co-financed by the European Social Fund (ESF) which aims to improve the job prospects of millions of European people, especially those who have the most difficulties when it comes to finding work.